Experienced counselling support for individuals, couples and families

Life Transitions : Opportunities to "tune-up"
Counselling is not just for the hard times, or sudden and unexpected changes. Healthy, predictable life stage transitions and everyday life challenges can still throw us off balance, raising new questions, casting strange light on familiar surroundings, or reawakening older issues we thought were resolved.
Although it may not seem like it at the time, these life transitions and challenges are also opportunities for emotional growth - and perhaps, some unexpected growing pains. Transitions can bring up familiar self-doubts, worries or fears - even a period of anxiety or depression. Just when you are ready to move ahead in life, in a period your energy is needed the most.
Even as change holds the promise of new possibilities, transitions are often accompanied by a sense of loss for what must be left behind. You may experience unexpected sadness as memories of earlier losses are reawakened. There can also be worrying thoughts or unsettling feelings about where this new path will lead.
A few counselling sessions can be most helpful and healing during times of change to restore perspective. My counselling practice provides a safe space for you to reflect, revitalize, and benefit from the supportive presence of an experienced, engaged and careful listener. I refer to these valuable, brief counselling sessions as an emotional wellness "tune-up".
Good moments for a wellness tune-up might include times when you are:
approaching a milestone age
changing career direction
considering retirement
beginning a new relationship
committing to a healthier lifestyle
evaluating a new opportunity
anticipating a significant move
navigating the challenges of conception or parenting
stepping forward to care for an ageing or ill parent
planning a reunion
reviewing or reconsidering your life goals.
Whatever the challenge of change is for you at this moment, I welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how counselling can help you create a more secure, resilient, and enlivening transition between here and there.
If you would like additional information, or to schedule an initial appointment, please call my St Kilda office at 03 9041 1456. You can also use the confidential contact form available on this website to reach me directly now.

Melbourne Psychotherapy Services
St Kilda VIC 3182
03 9041 1456
© 2015 Carol-Ann Allen